Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Columbia City Cuts
Hair Salon Under new ownership,
new name,
new number: 206. 327.9591

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Saturday, April 26th, Earth Day Celebration with lots of fun activities.

Plan Toys is sponsoring a fun contest. Build the biggest wooden cactus and win cool prizes! Also, a special gift to everyone who comes!

Make a recycled craft in our craft room, 12-1, free

Design a special outfit for a special doll out of an old t-shirt and you can fix up the dolls hair with barrettes, etc... 11-2

Come and explore the WORM Bin, learn how it works! Kids love WORMS.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Hair Salon in our Space is being bought by our good friend Dina (who has been cutting hair in the space this last year.

Dina will be having a GRAND OPENING GALA on May 15th.

The new name will be , Columbia City Cuts.

Same number, which is 722.7020 (in case you need to make an appointment!

We are looking forward to sharing the space with Dina and her new salon.


Look for more details soon.